Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Clitoris vs. Penis

Hi Everyone, 

I found an article that speaks more in depth about Abby's question on if the clitoris and penis are related. There are many different pages/ books you could check out, but this one just explained it in the simplest form without any of the medical terminology. 

"Male development requires hormones to suppress female development and further hormones to enhance male development. This makes female anatomy the platform for male development and so technically the penis is an enlarged clitoris."

- Alya Fetyani


  1. This is definitely one of the more interesting articles I have read. I think it is very important to note how the female and male anatomies can be comparable, though not exactly the same. Considering that the female body is a mystery to most people and isn't often talked about, this article becomes more necessary reading.

  2. Thanks for the link to my blog post. The work of Betty Dodson is well worth checking out (if you haven't already). She's been a real pioneer in lifting many of the myths of female sexuality.
