Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reflections on Class Discussions, 10/3

After watching the video of Chichimanda Adichie's speech, I was moved dramatically.  This is because she stated thoughts and feelings in a clear and unique manner that I have previously felt and reflected upon.  Some of the things she discussed I have experienced first-hand. She made distinct connections between her theories and situations that she had encountered.  "Privilege is invisible to those who have it."  This is brilliant in that it is a simple, obvious statement but so true.  This can play as a bridge between individuals who are indeed privileged and those who aren't.  She characterizes her observations as a 'single story'. This, she defines, is one image of something being retold multiple times.  This is where I questioned certain situations that I've encountered. How often do we tend to make judgments about certain things just based on one encounter?   How many times have we heard that the first impression is the"best" impression?  How many times have we done something one way and wished we could go back in time to alter or change that one thing?  I'm sure most if not all of you are nodding your heads.  Adiche managed to bring forth some simple but very true and relatable topics to light.  As journalists, feminists, students of Hunter College, or whatever you may classify yourself it is very important to think about the simple things that humans do that have great impacts in our lives.  Something as simple as holding a"stereotype" true to all individuals that may apply.  Adiche could not have said it any better.  Yes, stereotypes may be true for many but it lacks in that they are INCOMPLETE.  "They make one story, the only story".  It is very important for us to have a balance of stories.  This will hopefully then illicit human equality ("regain a kind of paradise").

Not that I have personally held stereotypes to individuals but I'm pretty sure people have done it to me.  Often times, I find myself, as a young black female, having to prove my intelligence at school, at social events, with people I meet.  I feel like when people look at me they have preceding thoughts about me based on stereotypes that they've heard.  Am I the only one?

1 comment:

  1. You are for from the only one that feels this way or experience these stereotypes. A black intelligent woman, activist, feminist and someone that is compassionate about other people. I entered hunter on a full scholarship and still having others ask me how did I do that. I do it like any other person that is not black. Stereotypes leaves people closed minded to what is going on around them and this is something that Audre Lorde spoke about throughout her writings.
