Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Asian American Women

In relation to the articles we had due for today's class, I wanted to share this article for those who have and have not yet read about this.

Cops Bust Alleged Online Manhattan Prostitution Ring


  1. Wow! It's crazy how these profound things are happening right before our eyes. Constantly women are subjects of perpetual images such as sex icons. Women can't get mad when we are referred to as sex figures or objects when our own women are representing us in this manner. As a gender group we have to do what's right in order to avoid these stereotypical ideas. Whether it be Asian, Latina, White or Black women, we are all seen as inferior to men to some degree. I'm starting to sound like a real feminist! NO but the fact of the matter is that even when desperate times call for desperate measures financially, a woman should have respect for herself.

    1. I completely agree with you. How can we, as women, expect in any way to be referred to or portrayed differently when things like this are going on in our own community?
